イギリス・ロンドンの賃貸アパート・マンション等、不動産や物件情報はエイブル - イギリス、ロンドンへの赴任・転勤、駐在などの日系不動産・部屋探し
We have over 780 branches in all over the world and have numerous potential clients. We will make efforts to find the tenant for your apartment as much as we can. It is much appreciated if you could introduce your real estate properties to our company. Please input your properties information below and feel free to contact us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 日本を含め全世界に780以上の支店を展開し、多くの顧客を抱えており、 オーナー様がお持ちの物件へ優良テナントのご紹介を行えるよう日々努力しておりますので、 テナント募集を希望される方は下記フォームに必要情報をご記入の上、どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
How we use your personal information Your enquiry will be transferred to ABLE REAL ESTATE(CHINTAI UK LTD) and Able & Partners Inc. We will hold your personal information on our client management system and use this to provide you with marketing information about similar services you might find useful. Your personal information will be used only for your enquiry and will not be shared with third parties without your permission for any reason. Please see how we keep your personal information "here". If you wish to view information we hold about you, or you would like us to remove information pertaining to you from our database you may contact us "here". ※ABLE REAL ESTATE(CHINTAI UK LTD) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Able & Partners Inc. We may transfer your personal information to locations outside the UK and the European Ecconomic Area(EEA). Where the countries to which your personal information is transferred do not offer an equivalent level of protection for personal information to the laws of the UK, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place.
エイブル ロンドン店